Ok...its been a whil! Its been a strange few weeks so Im deligthed to be back writing on this! Since I last posted I spent ages putting together a video of my work for assessmentI probably wont post it up here, but having spent ages on it I think I was finally happy with it. Since then my class has spent the month of february working on a collaborative project with the 3rd year architecture students from the University of Limerick! It's all over now but it was a great experience! We were all working in the Shannon Boat Club house here in Limerick. It's a fantastic building and we were so lucky to get access to it. For our project we became very interested in the members bar and the members themselves. We became interested in the identity we projected onto them, never having met them, and were interested in unsettling their sense of comfort both within their space and with regards to their identity. The building is built on an island and we imagine the island to be a sanctuary for the members, a place thats safe because it's physically removed from the city, because they have control over it and a place that where they are comfortable socially. We came up with an idea that we hoped would strengthen there sense of ownership and seperation, while unsettling their comfort with each other. However it was pointed out to us that this particular plan maybe ofensive to the members, and so was dropped. Instead we decided to make the public more aware of the members. On regular occassions the public are allowed access to the fromt bar, but still kept seperate from the members. We set up a periscope like contraption so the public would be able to view a small amount of the members bar, therefore becoming more aware of it, and their seperation from the members. Perhaps by becoming aware of this secret space they may also become aware of the control the members have over their access to the space, and their movement within the space.

These are some images of it in the space. Thanks Una!!!