Friday, December 4, 2009
what to do.....
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
New Post

Oops just clicked new post by an accident...guess I should write something now!!!
Ah yes...Synechdoche NY is an AMAZING movie!!!!!! watched it last night not knowing anything at all about it and it's just incredible! Blew my mind! didn't know what to say for about 5minutes!!!
Everybody should watch it!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Clock
Old Sketch Books
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Second Skin

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Yes Man
Simply, it was inspiring. Maybe I shouldn't have to read a book to learn to be more positive but it certainly helped. I'm looking forward to JUST SAYING YES!!!!!!!!
ps I've hear d the movie's no great...and the trailer barely resembles the book!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Im working on...

Im also intereted in wallpaper or making wallpaper for some reason and came across this...

Monday, October 5, 2009
Self portraiture

This is a photo I took during the summer. Its kind of been the basis for the way Ive been thinking ever since. Along with my ideas that the best reason to make art is for yourself and noone else, and that the kind of art I wanted to make was honest. So I moved on towards portraiture. Now it scares me too much and Im backtracking. In some ways Id love to continue just because it scares me....would be good to get through that fear, but in another Im just not going to risk it. My new plan is to just make work and see what happens (which is sort of the original idea anyway!). So I guess whats important is to make sure Im making work, and developing it. SO here goes!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Jin Young Yu
Monday, September 21, 2009
Francesca Woodman
The Fear
Regardless, I still face the question of what exactly I turn up with tomorrow. All I know for sure is my work is about me. My identity and hidden identity. discovery. I guess I hope that my work will explain it better, but that requires me to actually make it. And then theres the fear that it'll explain me better than I can ever understand.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
existentialism, my new interest!!
I like their ideas about the absurdity of IS totally unpredictable, and I do like the idea of embracing that and taking life as it comes, not setting plans icn concrete but being adaptable and open!
I agree with their ideas of the death of god, as far as i understanf it. I have an idea that from whenever til the industrial revolution ish, god was almighty. Then 'god' (in all the broadest terms) began to take a back seat to technology. In effect im inclined to think that technology became our new god, a new way to understand the world. But i also think that we are beginning to move into a new era where even science cant provide all the answers, as it seems to create so many monsters (thinking specifically of the environmantal and health problems we seem to have produced-ozone problems and superbugs).
Anyway there are lots of things i like about existentialism, the only thing that I still question is way that it seems to push me towards the idea that nothing really matters. Existentialism incorporates ideas of meaninglessness, and although all existenialists have different ideas I have yet to hear a good way to help us understand death, and therefore the meaning of life! I have a lot more reading to do before i can begin to understand existentialism properly(its a bit like trying to understand postmodernism!) so maybe ill come back and finish this comment later!!!
A new question
For anyone whos interested, theres some excellent replies to the elusive question that id reccommend reading!
Monday, July 27, 2009
the elusive question
If anyone has a good answer comment me!!
some of you guys surely do!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Boogie Woogie
just thoughts...
Im also starting to work on a series of images like my profile pic. basiclly self portraits in my bedroom door handle cos i really like them!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
what i think about art
These are pics from the last project I did before college ended. It was inspired by Christos umbrella project, which i love because its beautiful and dramatic, and its outside and connecting with the world. I didnt know what this was, it was my attempt at just doing something and figuring it out afterwards. I really wanted to start working with the city, the involvement with the public, but I like to do it from an anonymous point of view. I like not being there. I guess to me the artist is only ever present in spirit or something. Theyre in the work, not the space. not physically there i guess. The myth of the artist and all that, if the artist is there its their work, you understand it as they do, not as you could.
Anyway, Im putting this up because it is the first step in the direction of the kind of stuff i want to be doing. i want to be doing stuff in the city, relatively anonymously. i think.!!! Like the piles of flour, i want to make stuff that make people think and question, but come to their own conclusions. It really didnt give us anything but time and space. Thats why it was amazing. Maybe ill do something like that in limerick. The only thing is can i call it art? can i get graded on it? personally i dont mind if it doesnt get called art, its life, its important, and its not the label i give it that matters. Im just realising I dont want to be a gallery type artist. I read a really interesting article the other day in a free magazine that replied to a comment (made by marcel duchamp i think) that said the best artists will go underground. it makes sense, art shouldnt be done for money, in my opinion, its that fluxus idea that art is life and life is art and thats the vibe i love and get in edinburgh and berlin. Art is everywhere and everyones making it. the best stuff is the stuff thats available to everyone.
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Headspace
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Conversation Piece
ive been thinking
Its been far too long. Im in edinburgh nearly a monbth now. I was meant to be doing a piece of art every day of the whole summer and it hasnt happened. disappointed. But I have been thinking about art a lot. theres so much to put down here. yesterday me and sinead spent 3hours following arrows drawn in flour and little piles of flour round edinburgh city wondering where it led, who did it and why???????? it was a circle. after three hours we were back where we started! pain in the arse. it must have been an artists work!!!! still, id do it again. it was a whole range of emotions, a whole variety of views of the city and it made me think. the other thing thats in my mind is a film i saw called boogie woogie. iots about the art world. its a completely exaggerated version of the art world and its characters but its made me think about our relationship to art, our obsession with it, and perhaps life without it. It shows the collectors, dealers, artists, friends of artists...making choices between art and family or friends, and art as a business as oppossed to an art. its reall made me wonder about art in my life, where does it fit in?? its a big topic!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
This is a piece I did twice. it's basically that I've written on my face the things I say to myself trying to cop myself on. The stuff that bugs me about myself. It needs to be flipped around because it's a mirror image at the mo. And It needs something, like better lighting or camera, or clearer writting, im not sure!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Scribble drawings in stitches!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Games I used to Play
Climbing (walls, trees, doorframes, playground equipment, anything)
Tea parties
Fancy Dress
Baby Doll
Forts(Build a fort and play in it all day)
Hide and Seek in the Dark
Blind Mans Buff
Board Games (Ludo, Dreamphone, Snakes and Ladders, Chess, Draughts, Bop it)
Food Castles
Diggin in the sand
Cops and Robbers
Red Rover
Tennis-ish games
Card games (Rummy, Spit, Race Cars, Solitaire, Kemps, Whist, 21, Poker)
Dance Routines, Climbing routines
Pingpong Balls
Pick up stix
Polly Pockets
Connect 4
Whos who?
Monday, April 13, 2009
"Play: Activity that is not required, but is enjoyed."
I dont have time right ow to rereasd through it, but the gist Im getting from it is that play is how kids develop, learn and express themselves. Im not sure if this is great or terrible from my point of view but Im hoping to make the most of this new info. It explains the importance of play, and the different ways we play at different stages. Im not sure how to interpret it for adults but I plan to continue to look into it more. That will probably direct me where I want to go next.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Life and Confusion

I accidently spent the last half hour looking at quotes about 'life'. Its dangerous, dont do it. Its made me aware of my confusion. The things I believe and the things I hope for conflict. I believe in no regrets, everything is good, in the future looking back because we learn from everything. But everything is good then life is too easy. If I was able to commit myself to this idea I would be passive. The quote I was trying to find goes like this:
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk,mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a common place thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.....
So what to think? Dont think. feel. life happens, its ambiguous, uncontrollable, powerful and affecting. Its amazing and beautiful, its soft and shy, its easy to miss. Its spectacular. But I miss it. I think about it, instead of experiencing it. I dont want to be self indulgent here, but I want to understand, to correct, yet what I understand is its ambiguous, outside of my intelligence, it feels outside of my reach. How do I learn to appreciate it? in my logic, risk loosing it. fear. Fear is untouchable. Its life touching me, grabbing me and putting me in a place outside of my control, outside of my intelligence. Its life and its powerful and its how I feel. I forget that its good. And thats good. Its not a thought. Thus, my attempts at perfection are fruitless always, because hey are attempts, decisions, not a natural progression. what do I do? nothing? will that leave me back where I am or will my decision not to change anything change everything? Is it all invalid now because I hsve considered it? Now you see my difficulty. Life confuses me. Life, it just happens. Relax and let it. ?
words of wisdom from somewhere unknown
When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. Before and after follow each other. Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. Things arise and she lets them come; things disappear and she lets them go. She has but doesn't possess, acts but doesn't expect. When her work is done, she forgets it. That is why it lasts forever
Friday, April 10, 2009
Painted Scribbles
As part of my course I have to do a painting elective, last night I attempted to "paint" my scribbles!!!!!
Im not sure I like how they look, or if Ill ever be able to call them paintings, but I like that they are definitely personal to me...nobody else could ever make them, but I also think I like how my eye mves across the fabric from one colour/image to the next.
Artist Statement
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Where do I go now?
Carsten Hollers slides are amazing to me because they achieve what I was trying to achieve by giving the public crayons and paper.....a moment of fun, out of the ordinary, a moment for yourself. How can I develop on that? I keep thinking the difference between mine and his is that mine required audience participation, but so did his. A leap of faith in themselves? but so did his. AND these are aspects of art that Id like to bring to the audience. Perhaps I just dont trust them to take that leap and give themselves up to become the art. I should leave that up to each individual. So how can I do something similar???
This means that Im looking at doing an interactive piece. I like it but I do feel like theres not enough art in that for me. I need an object to call the art, perhaps something that Ive made. Could I change it up again and switch it back to video, showing me doing fun stuff like scribbling, sliding, cartwheeling, climbing trees, etc?? Im worried that that would have me looking like a crazy person again like in the Kid Project series of pictures. Hmm.
I like the idea of me looking like a crazy person, but im worried it would be off putting rather than appealling. But maybe theres a project here and I can just start it!!!!!
Thabnks for listening!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Fears Today
Anyway, after the first few seconds I didnt like it! Big mistake that I brought no music, but besides that I just really feel that it doeant fit my own brief set out in my artists statement . It feels like it disproves the ideas. But I do see possibilities in it for a piece outside of my expectations so we continued filming in different places around teh college until the battery died! Now I have technical problems....I cant get the footage onto a computer because Im missing cables, and Ive no charger so thats also a problem. The question of where to go now is difficult to answer. I havent even seen most of the footage. (mental note: technical issues always set you back days, allow for this).
Im reconsidering doing this piece at all for the exhibition but if I can Im gonna get it finished on time anyway, but Id rather like to be working on something I have more personal interest in, although I am scared that my in work I often end up deciding Ive disproved my own theory. Maybe the best thing I can do is use the piece anyway, and let people draw their own conclusions.
Me V me
Im really interested in comparisons. It occured to me at the weekend that they are very important to my project. I am intent on changing myself to become more the person I want to be, but amnt sure how much of me CAN be changed. This is where the issue of the Core Self becomes huge. How much of me is the way I am and efforts to change it would be futile, and how much of me is a creature of habit? Im interested in comparing the person I am now and the person I am trying to become, having learned from my experiences. I dont yet know how Im going to do that.
Where Im at Now
Anyway, the point is that that is putting pressure on me to come up with a finished piece in 2 and a half weeks!!!!!!!!! ya im basically screwed! Ive decided to do a video piece and the plan is its going to be based on the crazy dancing technique i mentioned earlier. To explain im going to quote my own artists statement!
I am interested in the idea that everyone has a Core Self and that we build on this Self through our experiences. I am exploring the ways My Self is revealed through spontaneous and seemingly aimless activities.The idea of the Core Self is quite hard for me to explain but its the idea that we each have a core personality that IS who we are. Its been there since the day we were borna nd will be there until the day we die. Everything else in our characters is variable and changes during and after experiences or events. Its my opinion that the best way to reveal these 'original' characteristics is through 'spontaneous and seemingly aimless activities', that is, the things you do without thinking, the things you like just because you like them, the places you go when youve nowhere to go.
I have to admit theres a flaw in my plan. Crazy Dancing is something slightly different for me...its a release from everyday life, but its not something I do spontaneously. well, the decision to do it is rarely spontaneous but the movements are. like scribbling, it cant be done right or wrong, it can only be done Your way. My plan for the exhibition is to video myself doing crazy dancing in the places that I go to when ive no where else to be and work with the footage.
Im inclined to say "fingers crossed it will actually work" but what I mean is "It may be difficult to make it work but I know I can do it."
Friday, March 27, 2009
Word Associations
The Present
Think its time to finish up for the morning!!!!!:)
The Sketch Books and Wire Sculptures
But I didnt really like doing these that much so I stopped.
I didnt even notice immediately the obvious relation to the scribbles and "drawing in Space" idea! Oops!
So I see something emerging quite clearly here. I jump from idea to idea, not realising that theyre all the same idea. Somewhere deep down I keep directing myself towards the same stuff. Its obvious what concepts I want to work with and that suit me. The hard part is working with them.